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Acupuncture for Endometriosis

Jul 14

2 min read




How does Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) address endometriosis?

Endometriosis is not just extra pain during your bleed. It’s a myriad of symptoms and it can be a huge impediment on many aspects of your life – social, physical, and mental to name a few. Let’s look into the array of symptoms often associated with endometriosis and what we can do to reduce and prevent them.

Common symptoms:

  • Intense menstrual pain

  • Sharp, stabbing lower abdominal pain

  • Lower abdominal discomfort outside of menstruation

  • Pain during bowel movements or urination

  • Sciatic pain

  • Groin discomfort

  • Mood swings

  • Pain during intercourse

  • Excessive menstrual bleeding

  • Fatigue

  • Bloating

  • Nausea

  • Cyclical headaches

  • Frequent colds or infections

  • Disrupted sleep

Given the diverse nature of these symptoms and their individual variations, my approach in Chinese medicine for endometriosis is tailored to each of your unique presentations.

I will look into all symptoms that come up throughout your cycle alongside an analysis of your tongue and pulse, and body palpation (touch) to determine your specific pattern. By addressing this pattern, my aim is not only to alleviate your pain and prevent the progression of endometriosis but also to help the associated symptoms.

Beyond physical manifestations, endometriosis can place strain on your finances, social life, fertility, mental well-being, and career.

While conventional medical management may alleviate pain, it can also introduce side effects such as prolonged bleeding, post-surgery discomfort, mood fluctuations, headaches, acne, and weight fluctuations. It also often may not address the cause of the endometriosis.

TCM employs acupuncture and herbal remedies for endometriosis to help regulate hormones, improve blood circulation, strengthen the body’s reserves, and soothe the nervous system. This holistic approach not only alleviates symptoms but also targets underlying imbalances.

For advanced stages of endometriosis, surgical intervention—preferably excision over ablation—is often beneficial. I aim to complement such procedures by minimising scar tissue formation and preventing the recurrence of endometriosis. Your treatment plans may also incorporate dietary and lifestyle modifications to facilitate healing.

Acupuncture sessions for endometriosis with me will typically involve needle placement in the hands, possibly the abdomen (but not necessarily), as well as the legs and feet. The needling process is gentle and often induces relaxation, with many patients drifting into sleep during sessions.

For further information on endometriosis treatments or to schedule a comprehensive consultation tailored to your condition, please don’t hesitate to contact me via call, text, or email.

Jul 14

2 min read





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